Gamification in the classroom can enhance the learning experience and contribute to the relationship between teachers and students by incorporating game elements such as competition, challenges, and rewards. Students are expected to become more motivated and engaged using these strategies and, most importantly, actively participate. The last element is the most difficult to accomplish, and the platform plays an essential role. Active participation by the students is crucial as it provides feedback on the degree of knowledge acquired, their emotional state of learning, and their willingness to participate in the class and that educational environment.Our research question emerges from the challenges posed by traditional approaches to student engagement: What characteristics should a new learning platform possess to create a challenging environment and stimulate active student participation? In response to this question, we introduce LiveQuiz, an innovative platform designed to transform the learning experience.LiveQuiz is a platform where teachers can prepare a set of question-answers in advance, initiating interactive games with students. Questions are posed individually, and students provide typed responses, with their participation reflected through engaging emojis that will show the student’s status. LiveQuiz incorporates instant feedback mechanisms to inform learners about their performance (leaderboard). Positive reinforcement (emojis and points), constructive feedback by allowing teachers to control question intervals, and rewards (points, stars, and score) can enhance motivation and reinforce learning and the option to introduce new questions during the game, promoting adaptability.. Furthermore, it can be used to reformulate the same question or make it easier/harder.This paper explains each of the features that LiveQuiz has, the different parts of the platform, and early testing results with our students.