Emily Lemagie

and 4 more

The exchange between estuaries and the coastal ocean is a key dynamical driver impacting nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations and regulating estuarine residence time, hypoxia, and acidification. Estuarine exchange flows can be particularly challenging to monitor because many systems have strong vertical and lateral velocity shear and sharp gradients in water properties that vary over space and time, requiring high-resolution measurements in order to accurately constrain the flux. The Total Exchange Flow (TEF) method provides detailed information about the salinity structure of the exchange, but requires observations (or model resolution) that resolve the time and spatial co-variability of salinity and currents. The goal of this analysis is to provide recommendations for measuring TEF with the most efficient spatial sampling resolution. Results from three realistic hydrodynamic models were investigated. These model domains included three estuary types: a bay (San Diego Bay), a salt-wedge (Columbia River), and a fjord (Salish Sea). Model fields were sampled using three different mooring strategies, varying the number of mooring locations (lateral resolution) and sample depths (vertical resolution) with each method. The exchange volume transport was more sensitive than salinity to the sampling resolution. Most ($>$90$\%$) of the exchange flow magnitude was captured by three to four moorings evenly distributed across the estuarine channel with a minimum threshold of 1-5 sample depths, which varied depending on the vertical stratification. These results can improve our ability to observe and monitor the exchange and transport of water masses efficiently with limited resources.
The ocean circulation around and over the Seychelles Plateau is characterized using 35 months of temperature and velocity measurements and a numerical model of the region. The results here provide the first documented description of the ocean circulation atop the Seychelles Plateau. The Seychelles Plateau is an unusually broad (~200 km), shallow (~50 m) plateau, dropping off steeply to the abyss. It is situated in a dynamic location (3.5-5.5S, 54-57$E) in the south-western tropical Indian Ocean where northwesterly winds are present during austral summer and become southeasterly in austral winter, following the reversal of the Indian monsoon winds. Measurements around the Inner Islands, on the Seychelles Plateau, have been carried out since 2015. Velocity measurements show that most of the depth-averaged current variance on the Seychelles Plateau arises from near-inertial oscillations and lower-frequency variability. Lower-frequency variability encompasses seasonal and intraseasonal variability, the latter of which includes the effects of mixed Rossby-gravity waves and mesoscale eddies. A global 0.1-deg numerical ocean simulation is used in conjunction with these observations to describe the regional circulation around and on the Seychelles Plateau. Atop the SP, circulation is dominated by ageostrophic processes consistent with Ekman dynamics, while around the SP, both geostrophic and ageostrophic processes are important and vary seasonally. Stratification responds to the sea surface height semiannual signal which is due to Ekman pumping-driven upwelling (related to the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge) and the arrival of an annual downwelling Rossby wave.