Nicolas Mangold

and 21 more

Early observations from the Perseverance rover suggested a deltaic origin for the western fan of Jezero crater only from images of the Kodiak butte. Here, we use images from the SuperCam Remote Micro-Imager and the Mastcam-Z camera to analyze the western fan front along the rover traverse, and further assess its depositional origin. Outcrops in the middle to lower half of hillslopes are composed of planar, inclined beds of sandstone that are interpreted as foresets of deltaic deposits. Foresets are locally structured in ~20-25 m thick, ~80-100 m long, antiformal structures interpreted as deltaic mouth bars. Above these foresets are observed interbedded sandstones and boulder conglomerates, interpreted as fluvial topset beds. One well-preserved lens of boulder conglomerate displays rounded clasts within well-sorted sediment deposited in fining upward beds. We interpret these deposits as resulting from lateral accretion within fluvial channels. Estimations of peak discharge rates give a range between ~100 and ~500 m3.s-1 consistent with moderate to high floods. By contrast, boulder conglomerates exposed in the uppermost part of hillslopes are poorly sorted and truncate underlying beds. The presence of these boulder deposits suggests that intense, sediment-laden flood episodes occurred after the deltaic foreset and topset beds were deposited, although the origin, timing, and relationship of these boulder deposits to the ancient lake that once filled Jezero crater remains undetermined. Overall, these observations confirm the deltaic nature of the fan front, and suggest a highly variable fluvial input.

Bradley J Garczynski

and 39 more

During the NASA Perseverance rover’s exploration of the Jezero crater floor, purple-hued coatings were commonly observed on rocks. These features likely record past water-rock-atmosphere interactions on the crater floor, and understanding their origin is important for constraining timing of water activity and habitability at Jezero. Here we characterize the morphologic, chemical, and spectral properties of the crater floor rock coatings using color images, visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra, and chemical data from the Mastcam-Z and SuperCam instruments. We show that coatings are common and compositionally similar across the crater floor, and consistent with a mixture of dust, fine regolith, sulfates, and ferric oxides indurated as a result of one or more episodes of widespread surface alteration. All coatings exhibit a similar smooth homogenous surface with variable thickness, color, and spatial extent on rocks, likely reflecting variable oxidation and erosional expressions related to formation and/or exposure age. Coatings unconformably overlie eroded natural rock surfaces, suggesting relatively late deposition that may represent one of the last aqueous episodes on the Jezero crater floor. While more common at Jezero, these coatings may be consistent with rock coatings previously observed in-situ at other landing sites and may be related to duricrust formation, suggesting a global alteration process on Mars that is not unique to Jezero. The Perseverance rover likely sampled these rock coatings on the crater floor and results from this study could provide important context for future investigations by the Mars Sample Return mission aimed at constraining the geologic and aqueous history of Jezero crater.