We present a comprehensive study of the nightside aurora phenomenon on Mars, utilizing observations from EMUS onboard EMM. The oxygen emission at 130.4 nm is by far the brightest FUV auroral emission line observed at Mars. Our statistical analysis reveals geographic, solar zenith angle, local time, and seasonal dependencies of auroral occurrence. Higher occurrence of aurora is observed in regions of open magnetic topology, where crustal magnetic fields are either very weak or both strong and vertical. Aurora occurs more frequently closer to the terminator and is more likely on the dusk side than on the dawn side of the night hemisphere. A pronounced auroral feature appears close to midnight local times in the southern hemisphere, consistent with the spot of energetic electron fluxes previously identified in the MGS data. This auroral spot is more frequent after midnight than before. Additionally, some regions on Mars are "aurora voids" where essentially no aurora occurs. Aurora exhibits a seasonal dependence, with a major enhancement near perihelion. Non-crustal field aurora additionally shows a secondary enhancement near Ls 30°. This seasonal variability is a combination of the variability in ionospheric photoelectrons and thermospheric atomic oxygen abundance. Auroral occurrence also shows an increase with the rise of Solar Cycle 25. The brightest auroral pixels are observed during space weather events such as CMEs and SIRs. These observations not only shed light on where and when Martian aurora occurs, but also add to our understanding of Mars' magnetic environment and its interaction with the heliosphere.

Jasper S. Halekas

and 9 more

We describe a new method to analyze the properties of plasma waves, and apply it to observations made upstream from Mars by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission. The slow measurement cadence of most charged particle instrumentation has limited the application of analysis techniques based on correlations between particle and magnetic field measurements. We show that we can extend the frequency range of applicability for these techniques, for a subset of waves that remain coherent over multiple wave periods, by sub-sampling velocity distribution function measurements and binning them by the wave phase. This technique enables the computation of correlations and transport ratios for plasma waves previously inaccessible to this technique at Mars. By computing the cross helicity, we find that most identified waves propagate upstream in the plasma frame. This supports the conclusions of previous studies, but enables a clearer determination of the intrinsic wave mode and characteristics. The intrinsic properties of observed waves with frequencies close to the proton cyclotron frequency have little spatial variability, but do have large temporal variations, likely due to seasonal changes in the hydrogen exosphere. In contrast, the predominant characteristics of waves at higher frequencies have less temporal variability, but more spatial variability. We find several indications of the presence of multiple wave modes in the lower frequency wave observations, with unusual wave properties observed for propagation parallel to the magnetic field and for background magnetic fields nearly perpendicular to the solar wind flow.