Sofya Guseva

and 16 more

The drag coefficient (CDN), Stanton number (CHN) and Dalton number (CEN) are of particular importance for the bulk estimation of the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapor at water surfaces. Although these bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades mainly in marine and large-lake environments, there are no studies focusing on their synthesis for many lakes. Here, we evaluated these coefficients through directly measured surface fluxes using the eddy-covariance technique over more than 30 lakes and reservoirs of different sizes and depths. Our analysis showed that generally CDN, CHN, CEN (adjusted to neutral atmospheric stability) were within the range reported in previous studies for large lakes and oceans. CHN was found to be on average a factor of 1.4 higher than CEN for all wind speeds, therefore, likely affecting the Bowen ratio method used for lake evaporation measurements. All bulk transfer coefficients exhibit substantial increase at low wind speeds (< 3 m s-1), which could not be explained by any of the existing physical approaches. However, the wind gustiness could partially explain this increase. At high wind speeds CDN, CHN, CEN remained relatively constant at values of 2 10-3, 1.5 10-3, 1.1 10 -3, respectively. We found that the variability of the transfer coefficients among the lakes could be associated with lake surface area or wind fetch. The empirical formula C=b1[1+b2exp(b3 U10)] described the dependence of CDN, CHN, CEN on wind speed well and it could be beneficial for modeling when coupling atmosphere and lakes.

Bryce R Van Dam

and 8 more

Coastal vegetated habitats like seagrass meadows can mitigate anthropogenic carbon emissions by sequestering CO2 as “blue carbon” (BC). Already, some coastal ecosystems are actively managed to enhance BC storage, with associated BC stocks included in national greenhouse gas inventories or traded on international markets. However, the extent to which BC burial fluxes are enhanced or counteracted by other carbon fluxes, especially air-water CO2 flux (FCO2) remains poorly understood. To this end, we synthesized all available direct FCO2 measurements over seagrass meadows made using a common method (atmospheric Eddy Covariance), across a globally-representative range of ecotypes. Of the four sites with seasonal data coverage, two were net CO2 sources, with average FCO2 equivalent to 44 - 115% of the global average BC burial rate. At the remaining sites, net CO2 uptake was 101 - 888% of average BC burial. A wavelet coherence analysis demonstrates that FCO2 was most strongly related to physical factors like temperature, wind, and tides. In particular, tidal forcing appears to shape global-scale patterns in FCO2, likely due to a complex suite of drivers including: lateral carbon exchange, bottom-driven turbulence, and pore-water pumping. Lastly, sea-surface drag coefficients were always greater than prediction for the open ocean, supporting a universal enhancement of gas-transfer in shallow coastal waters. Our study points to the need for a more comprehensive approach to BC assessments, considering not only organic carbon storage, but also air-water CO2 exchange, and its complex biogeochemical and physical drivers.