Marcus N. Pedersen

and 4 more

The most detrimental geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) documented to date have all taken place during geomagnetic storms. Yet, the probability of GICs throughout geomagnetic storms driven by different solar wind transients, such as high-speed streams/stream interaction regions (HSS/SIR) or interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) sheaths and magnetic clouds (MC), is poorly understood. We present an algorithm to detect geomagnetic storms and storm phases, resulting in a catalog of 755 geomagnetic storms from January 1996 to June 2023 with the solar wind drivers. Using these storms and the IMAGE magnetometer network, we study the temporal and spatial evolution of spikes in the external dH\textsubscript{ext}/dt greater than 0.5 nT/s during geomagnetic storms driven by HSS/SIR, sheaths and MCs. Spikes occur more often toward the end of the storm main phase for HSS/SIR and MC-driven storms, while sheaths have spikes throughout the entire main phase. During the main phase most spikes occur in the morning sector around 05 magnetic local time (MLT) and the extent in MLT is narrowest for MCs and widest for sheaths. However, spikes in the pre-midnight sector during the main and recovery phases are most prominent for HSS/SIR-driven storms. During the storm sudden commencement (SSC), three MLT hotspots exist, the post-midnight at 04 MLT, pre-noon at 09 MLT and afternoon at 15 MLT. The pre-noon hotspot has the highest probability of spikes and the widest extent in magnetic latitude.

Elena Marshalko

and 6 more

Ground-based technological systems, such as power grids, can be affected by geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) during geomagnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms. This motivates the necessity to numerically simulate and, ultimately, forecast GIC. The prerequisite for the GIC modeling in the region of interest is the simulation of the ground geoelectric field (GEF) in the same region. The modeling of the GEF in its turn requires spatio-temporal specification of the source which generates the GEF, as well as an adequate regional model of the Earth’s electrical conductivity. In this paper we compare results of the GEF (and ground magnetic field) simulations using three different source models. Two models represent the source as a laterally varying sheet current flowing above the Earth. The first model is constructed using the results of a physics-based 3-D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of near-Earth space, the second one uses ground-based magnetometers’ data and the Spherical Elementary Current Systems (SECS) method. The third model is based on a “plane wave” approximation which assumes that the source is locally laterally uniform. Fennoscandia is chosen as a study region and the simulations are performed for the 7-8 September 2017 geomagnetic storm. We conclude that ground magnetic field perturbations are reproduced more accurately using the source constructed via the SECS method compared to the source obtained on the basis of MHD simulation outputs. We also show that the difference between the GEF modeled using laterally nonuniform source and plane wave approximation is substantial in Fennoscandia.

Evgeny Gordeev

and 7 more

Audrey Schillings

and 7 more

Geomagnetically induced currents or GICs are signatures of a rapidly time-varying magnetic field (dB/dt) and occur mainly during substorms and storms. When, where and why exactly GICs may occur, is still vague. Thus, we investigated storms for the last 40 years (from 1980 with a storm-list created by W.T. Walach) and analyzed the negative and positive dB/dt spikes (threshold of 500 nT/min) in the north and east component using a worldwide coverage (SuperMAG). Our analysis confirmed the existence of two dB/dt spikes “hotspots” located in the pre-midnight and in the morning MLT sector, independently of the geographic location of the stations. The associated physical ionospheric phenomena are most probably substorm current wedge (SCW) onsets and westward travelling surges (WTS) in the evening sector, and wave- or vortex-like current flows in Omega bands in the morning sector. Additionally, we observed a spatio-temporal evolution of the negative northern dB/dt spikes. The spikes initially occur in the pre-midnight sector, and then develop in time towards the morning sector. This spatio-temporal sequence is correlated with bursts in the AE index, and can be repeated several times throughout a storm. Finally, we investigated the intensity (Dst and AE) of the storms compared to the number of dB/dt spikes, but we did not find any correlation. This result implies that moderate storm with many spikes can be as (or more) dangerous for ground-based infrastructures than a major storm with fewer dB/dt spikes. Our findings may help to improve the GICs forecast to accurately predict dB/dt spikes.