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PVGeo: an open-source Python package for geoscientific visualization in VTK and ParaView
  • Christopher Sullivan,
  • Whitney Trainor Guitton
Christopher Sullivan
Colorado School of Mines

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Whitney Trainor Guitton
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
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PVGeo is an open-source Python package for geoscientific visualization and analysis harnessing an already powerful software platform: the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and its front-end application, ParaView. The VTK software platform is well-maintained, contains an expansive set of native functionality, and provides a robust foundation for scientific visualization, yet the development of tools compatible for geoscience data and models has been very limited. As a software extension package to VTK and ParaView, PVGeo addresses the lack of geoscientific compatibility by creating a framework for geo-visualization. This framework is a set of tools for visually integrating geoscience data and models directly within ParaView’s graphical user interface, simplifying the required routines to make compelling visualizations of geoscientific datasets. The PVGeo package is available for download on PyPI (pip install PVGeo), documented online (http://pvgeo.org), and open-source on GitHub (https://github.com/OpenGeoVis/PVGeo) for community-driven developments.
30 Jun 2019Published in Journal of Open Source Software volume 4 issue 38 on pages 1451. 10.21105/joss.01451