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Intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field: evidence for a Mid-Paleozoic dipole low
  • +5
  • Louise M. A. Hawkins,
  • Joseph Grappone,
  • Courtney Sprain,
  • Patipan Saengduean,
  • Edward Sage,
  • Sheikerra Thomas-Cunningham,
  • Banusha Kugabalan,
  • Andrew Biggin
Louise M. A. Hawkins
University of Liverpool

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Joseph Grappone
University of Liverpool
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Courtney Sprain
University of Floria
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Patipan Saengduean
Colorado School of Mines
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Edward Sage
CGG Satellite Mapping
Author Profile
Sheikerra Thomas-Cunningham
University of Liverpool
Author Profile
Banusha Kugabalan
University of Glasgow
Author Profile
Andrew Biggin
University of Liverpool
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The Mesozoic Dipole Low (MDL) is a period, covering at least ~80 million years, of low dipole moment that ended at the start of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Recent studies of Devonian age Siberian localities identified similarly low field values a few tens of million years prior to the Permo-Carboniferous Reverse Superchron (PCRS). To constrain the length and timing of this potential new dipole low, this study presents new paleointensity estimates from Strathmore (~411-416 Ma) and Kinghorn (~332 Ma) lava flows, UK. Both localities have been studied for paleomagnetic poles (Q values of 6-7) and the sites were assessed for their suitability for paleointensity from paleodirections, rock magnetic analysis, and microscopy. Thermal- and microwave-IZZI protocol experiments were used to determine site mean paleointensity estimates of ~3-51 μT (6-98 ZAm²) and 4-11 μT (9-27 ZAm²) from the Strathmore and Kinghorn localities, respectively. These, and all of the sites from 200-500 Ma from the (updated) PINT15 database, were assessed using the Qualitative Paleointensity criteria (Qᴘɪ). The procurement of reliable (Qᴘɪ ≥5), weak paleointensity estimates from this and other studies indicates a period of low dipole moment (median field strength of 17 ZAm²) for ~80 Myrs, from 332-416 Ma. This “Mid-Paleozoic Dipole Low (MPDL)” bears a number of similarities to the MDL, including the substantial increase in field strength near the onset of the PCRS. The MPDL also adds support to inverse relationship between reversal frequency and field strength and a possible ~200 million-year cycle in paleomagnetic behavior relating to mantle convection.
24 Aug 2021Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences volume 118 issue 34. 10.1073/pnas.2017342118