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Interannual Variation and Trend of Carbon Budget Observed Over a 28-year Period at Takayama in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Forest in Central Japan
  • +5
  • Shohei Murayama,
  • Hiroaki Kondo,
  • Shigeyuki Ishidoya,
  • Takahisa Maeda,
  • Nobuko Saigusa,
  • Susumu Yamamoto,
  • Kazuki Kamezaki,
  • Hiroyuki Muraoka
Shohei Murayama
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Hiroaki Kondo
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Author Profile
Shigeyuki Ishidoya
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Author Profile
Takahisa Maeda
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Author Profile
Nobuko Saigusa
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Author Profile
Susumu Yamamoto
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Author Profile
Kazuki Kamezaki
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Author Profile
Hiroyuki Muraoka
Gifu University
Author Profile


Long-term carbon dioxide (CO2) flux measurements between the atmosphere and the ecosystem have been made since 1993 at a cool-temperate deciduous forest site (Takayama) in Japan influenced by Asian Monsoon, constituting the longest dataset among all the AsiaFlux sites. Interannual variations (IAVs) and trends of the annual carbon budget components and their environmental factors were examined. Annual net ecosystem production (NEP) (mean ± 1σ) during the period of eddy covariance measurement in 1999-2021 was 265 ± 86 gC m-2 yr-1, and its IAV was dependent more on gross primary production (GPP) than on ecosystem respiration. IAVs in annual NEP and GPP were correlated with the IAVs of the monthly mean NEP, GPP and leaf area index (LAI) from June to September, as well as with that of the length of the net carbon uptake period. Significant increasing and decreasing trends in the annual NEP and GPP were detected during 2004-2013 and 2013-2021, respectively; the increasing trends were mainly caused by the vegetation recovery from typhoon disturbances while the decreasing trends were partly influenced by recent extreme weather events. Significant positive correlations of the IAVs between the start and the end of the net carbon uptake period, and between the leaf expansion and leaf fall were found. These may be attributed to biological functions and interseasonal relationship of meteorological parameters associated with ENSO events that can also influence IAVs in annual NEP and GPP.
06 Sep 2023Submitted to ESS Open Archive
11 Sep 2023Published in ESS Open Archive