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New satellite results further confirming that Earth reflectivity changes are not driving Global Warming
  • Grant Matthews
Grant Matthews
Zedika Solutions

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Measurements of solar energy entering Earth are critical for comparison/validation of model simulated climate signals run in the present, for confidence in their predictions. Satellite systems detect the predicted climate trends being sought with decades of data, and so must minimize their on-orbit measurement calibration drifts, to prevent false conclusions. Reductions in Earths reflectivity would contribute to global warming by the more sunlight absorbed. New Earth reflectivity results are shown here from the Moon and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE). As detailed in other works, this uses the constant lunar reflectivity, viewed monthly by NASA’s CERES devices, allowing MERBE to track/compensate for otherwise undetectable telescope degradation. MERBE results find Earth mean reflectivity constant compared to that of the Moon, because Arctic warming is balanced by cooling elsewhere. This physical evidence shows that the Sun does not contribute to recent global warming, confirming anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases as the likely cause.