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Deployment of dedicative nano-additives to enhance the thermal behaviour and effectiveness of heat transfer performance of eutectic compound
  • A. Sreekumar,
  • Gururaj Govindaraja,
  • D. Sruthi
A. Sreekumar
Pondicherry University

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Gururaj Govindaraja
Pondicherry University
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D. Sruthi
Pondicherry University
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Two nano-precursors with capping agent were incorporated in stearyl alcohol-adipic acid combination phase change material in this study. The addition of nanomaterials made the eutectic reliable in the manner of its thermal properties like higher enthalpy, degradation point and more compatible with the metal encapsulation materials when compared with the pristane eutectic. The importance of nano-metal oxides in parent material was shown by the reduced time frame of the PCM’s thermal energy storing and releasing process for space heating applications. The specific heat capacity of both the aluminium and titanium oxide nanocomposites were greater than the eutectic which indicates that the material can retain more energy. The thermal conductivities of base material and nanocomposite PCMs were 0.2686, 0.2815 and 0.4395 W/mK at 40 °C and the highest percentage increment of nanocomposites was seen as 9.19 and 63.62 % at varied encircled temperatures. The crystal structure and chemical disintegration was evinced with the X-ray diffractometer results of the composites.